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You were created to be fruitful in God!

We are currently holding services at
10:30 AM
Church office located at 113 Teresa ct Granbury TX. 76049
Mail: P.O. Box 93 Weatherford TX. 76086
Phone (office) 682 803 9302

Broadcast Special !
For an Offering of $20 or more
Sunday message 10-23-22
Just scroll down to our recent message on faith
First Love and FaithCliff Carr
00:00 / 01:04
Thank you for visiting our web site. We at Harvest Rain Church would love to help you grow spiritually or pray with you if you have a need. God desires you to have a full life one that is strong and stable.We exist to help you discover how. We hope that you will come and join us for our service and fellowship with our church family.
Our Mission
We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors of our church to those who come. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by opening our arms to those in search of the truth.
It is our call and desire to help each person reach their full relationship not only with Christ but with his church as well. Every joint supplies the need of others. It is our desire to see you become the blessing to others that God desires each of us to become.
Entering the blessing.mp3Dr. Cliff Carr
00:00 / 52:59

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